Reduce Interconnection
Time with our Cost-Effective Solutions

Save time, increase customer satisfaction and grow your construction business.

Simplify Interconnection With The Utility Grid

Before a solar installation can be switched on, the utility company must inspect your installation and grant you permission to operate. Genesis Design takes over the application process so that you can focus on the quality of service you provide customers.

A 2-Step Process

Interconnection involves a lot of administrative work, but can be broken down into two phases:

What We Offer?

Our interconnection services include:

Choose Genesis Design

Gain efficiency, reduce error margins, and save time. No more stressing over endless paperwork. Our team of specialists will handle interconnection for you.

Complete Interconnection Services For Your Home or Business

We are here to answer any questions you may have and advise you on starting your journey with Genesis Design. Interconnection has never been so easy. Speak with our personnel to find out how Genesis Design can speed up your interconnection time.

Get ready for your next project
with us today.

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